内幕——世界机床|机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商 //www.canada-us-sage.com 机床制造商,刀具,数控机床,金属成形杂志,机器市场在印度——MTW杂志 星期二,2021年3月23日12:01:50 + 0000 en - us 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.8 是时候显示弹性和采取行动的时候了 //www.canada-us-sage.com/its-time-to-show-resilience-and-its-time-for-action/ //www.canada-us-sage.com/its-time-to-show-resilience-and-its-time-for-action/回应 MTW 2021年3月15日,星期一,11:57:09 + 0000 里面的故事 伟德国际体育俱乐部 //www.canada-us-sage.com/?p=21031 < p >目前产业正在经历VUCA——不稳定,不确定的、复杂和模棱两可的世界。变化是非线性的,指数。有僵硬的和极端的挑战为产业和企业,尤其是中小企业的和无组织的段& # 8211;生存和如何为所有股份持有人参与业务链。虽然我们采取的快照(& # 8230;)< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/its-time-to-show-resilience-and-its-time-for-action/ " >是时候显示弹性和行动是时候< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > < p >目前行业正在经历<强> VUCA < /强>,不稳定,不确定的、复杂和模棱两可的世界。变化是非线性的,指数。有僵硬的和极端的挑战为产业和企业,尤其是中小企业的和无组织的段& # 8211;生存和如何为所有股份持有人参与业务链。< / p > < p >当我们采取快照的行业大流行爆发之前,我们的经济在衰落,我们已经开始走向衰退的阶段——从停滞到经济衰退。GDP下降,财政赤字是无法控制。进一步推动这种情况,大流行疫情发生。< / p > < p >大危机是人类历史上史无前例的一个和被整个世界大的令人不快的意外。整个全球经济的主要挑战是维持业务连续性。< / p > < p >危机让世界停滞& # 8211;的时刻,一切都不确定。

In any major economic disruption, some industries are dropping, some are hit hardest and others are gaining.

Pandemic outbreak has severely impacted the health and well- being of people. It has also affected their behavioral patterns and daily routine – ripple effect stunned work, life, human behavior and economy.

As we adjust to life, our behaviors and habits are quickly changing. What will be the impact of these changes on the organizations and industries around us?

It’s time to show resilience.

While big companies have the financial ability to tide over the crisis for some time, SMEs / Small Businesses are at survival disaster.

All enterprises will experience challenges in securing new clients, renegotiating existing contracts, and declining revenues. All these exerting pressures on cash flows forcing organizations to reengineer business models to reduce costs, to increase employee engagement.

Manpower is the biggest asset of any organization / business. It is Management responsibility to align human resources to organizational goals, vision.

What about the availability of trained workforce in India? is question normally put forward. Yes, this needs to addressed at various fronts right from whether our education system is capable to create skilled human resources. Organizations / businesses also must create environment within organizations to reskill, upskill people on various hard and soft skills – both necessary to thrive in uncertain business environment.

There is famous and most apt quote from Albert Einstein : “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”

It’s Time for action now.

Agility is NEW NORMAL. (STARFISH). Whether businesses follow: Starfish or Spider Strategy.

There is famous Management book:

The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations by Ori Brafman & Rod A. Beckstrom

If you cut Spider, it dies. Whereas, if you cut Starfish, it grows into entirely new Starfish i. e. Rigid or Adapting rapidly to challenging circumstances.

Since competitiveness is constantly moving target, agility is a strategic asset for company. Need leadership to run company both flexibly and efficiently.

We at PRABHODIT Management Consulting has PURPOSE to contribute to organizations / Businesses to bring PURPOSE and align Human Resources / People with Vision & Mission of Organizations. We help setting right priorities and support organizations to manage priorities. Employees are biggest asset and each one is different and unique.

PRABHODIT combines –Management, NLP and Human Behaviour / Psychology knowledge to bring, to arrive at right solutions.

We address various questions such as à whether employees are aligned to vision of organization , whether available talent is delivering 100 % , how do we engage people .

PRABHODIT identifies issues / problems, analyse issues, work on solutions, implement and measure solutions. We offer solutions to various verticals: Manufacturing, Education, Construction, Hotel, Hospitals etc.

Let’s know your pain area and we will offer actionable, measurable solution.

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Superslides &滚珠丝杆顶部 //www.canada-us-sage.com/a-surge-to-the-top-superslides-ballscrews-co-india/ //www.canada-us-sage.com/a-surge-to-the-top-superslides-ballscrews-co-india/回应 MTW 星期四,2018年2月15日08:01:21 + 0000 里面的故事 面试 伟德国际体育俱乐部 滚珠丝杆 直线运动产品 拉吉夫·德赛 superslider Superslider &滚珠丝杆有限公司 Superslides &滚珠丝杆有限公司印度分公司。 //www.canada-us-sage.com/?p=5727 < p >成立于1999年,公司已经建立了一个著名的声誉,是一个追求产品名称的今天,Superslides & # 38;滚珠丝杆有限公司印度跻身认可公司从事交易和提供一个广泛的线性运动产品和球螺丝。提供的范围[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/a-surge-to-the-top-superslides-ballscrews-co-india/ " > Superslides & # 038;滚珠丝杆上升到顶部< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > <引用类= " mom_quote quote_left " > < p > <强>成立于1999年,公司已经建立了一个著名的声誉,是一个追求为其产品名称< /强> < / p > < /引用> < p >今天,Superslides,滚珠丝杆有限公司印度跻身认可公司从事交易和提供一个广泛的线性运动产品和球螺丝。公司提供的范围包括外部球循环,高铅、d型、重型负载,内部循环球球和外部循环。此外,公司提供内部球循环,高铅、FA系列,MSA系列,MSB系列和MSR系列,等等。这些产品都是来自PMI、台湾、巨大的知识在这一领域。< / p > < p >公司生产的产品全部采用优质的原材料和先进的技术按照国际标准和规范。此外,由于他们的特性,比如强大的施工,容易装配,耐久性,紧凑的设计和耐蚀性,这些产品广泛客户所要求的。由于这些特性,其产品广泛应用于焊接机、激光切割机,自动改变工具,束焊接机、PCB钻孔机,自动测量;试验机、娱乐设备、物料搬运设备、轮胎成型机,数控车床,等等。< / p > < p >简化的方式处理其业务的活动,该公司已经任命了一个高技能的专业团队。 These professionals posses rich knowledge in this domain and procure the entire as per the set industry standards and norms. They also ensure to offer superior quality products to the clients as per their requirements. Apart from this, professionals take the responsibility to offer the products within the committed period of time to the patrons. The company has developed a large and capacious warehousing unit, which is also well-connected with major transportation modes. This helps it in making timely delivery of consignments and gaining the complete satisfaction of patrons. Due to these factors, the firm has been able to customers such as Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Aditya Birla Group, B.H.E.L, Hero Honda, Swaraj Mazda, Eicher Motors, GUDEL India, Hyundai Motors, Indian Railways, Larson & Toubro Ltd., Premier Automobiles Ltd., TAL Manufacturing Solutions., H.M.T, L.M.W, Galaxy, SUZLON, T.V.S Group, MAC Powers and more.

Under the able guidance of its directors, ‘Mr. Rajiv Desai / Kunal Desai’, the company has been able to gain an immense appreciation in the industry. The firm’s rich knowledge, leadership skills, constant motivation have enabled it to serve its clients in the best possible manner.

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苏利耶Sarda先生、董事、市场营销和商业发展Graebert印度 //www.canada-us-sage.com/executive-profile/ //www.canada-us-sage.com/executive-profile/回应 MTW 2016年5月12日星期四,07:46:53 + 0000 里面的故事 伟德国际体育俱乐部 Graebert印度 南亚区域合作联盟 叙利娅Sarda //www.canada-us-sage.com/?p=2074 < p >奥苏利耶Sarda正营销、业务开发和销售组织的Graebert南盟地区。苏利耶的责任是矛头Graebert的举措,包括与经销商的关系、合作伙伴、系统集成商和企业客户。他从头开始构建和培育整个印度团队,和使超过100% CAGR [& # 8230;] < / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/executive-profile/ " >苏利耶Sarda先生,董事、营销和业务发展Graebert印度< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > < p >奥苏利耶Sarda正营销、业务开发和销售组织的Graebert南盟地区。苏利耶的责任是矛头Graebert的举措,包括与经销商的关系、合作伙伴、系统集成商和企业客户。他从头开始构建和培育整个印度团队,和使超过100% CAGR Graebert在印度。< / p > < p > IIT Kharagpur校友,他完成了他的毕业后从密西西比州立大学机械工程,美国。他开始他的职业生涯与欧特克和有着巨大的商业孵化的经验,业务策略、产品管理和产品营销与矢量绘图软件公司这样的公司(现在微软),GeoTouch Inc . CADopia, IntelliCAD技术联盟。< / p > < p >在欧特克工作了10年期间,印度的工作在不同的作业包括一项目Autodesk亚特兰大NAVFAC项目5亿美元竞购美国海军,一直是一个关键因素在Autodesk再造团队。他还领导Intellicad技术联盟和贡献的增长和建立Intellicad品牌。< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/executive-profile/ " >苏利耶Sarda先生,董事、营销和业务发展Graebert印度< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > //www.canada-us-sage.com/executive-profile/feed/ 0 西方女士梅根·萨默斯(lawrence Summers)总统,一种数控编程 //www.canada-us-sage.com/ms-meghan-summers-west-president-mastercam/ //www.canada-us-sage.com/ms-meghan-summers-west-president-mastercam/回应 MTW 星期二,05年4月2016 09:12:11 + 0000 里面的故事 伟德国际体育俱乐部 一种数控编程 梅根·萨默斯 //www.canada-us-sage.com/?p=1809 < p >我的人生的目标目标& # 38;抱负:我的目标和雄心和家人开始,延伸到你的。我的孩子和我的丈夫每天激励我做的,这样我们的合作伙伴和我们的客户可能会使他们的。我努力提供一个强大的、女性角色(& # 8230;)< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/ms-meghan-summers-west-president-mastercam/ " >。梅根·萨默斯、西总统、一种数控编程< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > < p > <跨风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”> <强> < img加载=“懒惰”类=“alignleft wp -图像- 1813 size-full”src = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Meghan_cc_300.jpg " alt = " Meghan_cc_300宽度= " 300 "高度= " 600 " srcset = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Meghan_cc_300.jpg 300 w, //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp content/uploads/2016/04/meghan_cc_300 - 150 x300.jpg 150 w”大小=”(max-width: 300 px) 100年大众,300 px”/ >我的人生的目标< /强> < / span > < br / > < em > <强>的目的,抱负:< /强> < / em > < br / >我的目标和雄心和家人开始,延伸到你的。我的孩子和我的丈夫激励< br / >我的每一天,这样我们的合作伙伴和我们的客户可能会使他们的。我努力提供一个强大的、女性角色模型为我女儿和其他世界各地的年轻女性。我努力向他人展示如何领导与同情、仁慈和正强化。< / p > < p > < em > <强>愿景:< /强> < / em > < br / >来帮助创建一个工作环境,拥抱激情,创造力,和幸福。大多数人花三分之一的生活工作。重要的是我为我们的员工提供一个地方感到安全和价值。我也是很重要的,我们的客户喜欢使用我们的软件。 If we provide a high quality user experience, our customers will have a higher quality of life altogether.

Social Goal:
To provide a tool to the world that allows dreams to become a reality. Mastercam started as a two man shop and turned in to a worldwide business. Mastercam is a tool that can make that a possibility for someone else. All they need to do is dream it.

Business Goal:
To continue to produce the most widely used CAM software in the world.

My Leisure Choices
Favourite Tourist Spot:

Music I Like:
All types of music. In particular Ray Lamontagne, Citizen Cope, and The Black Keys.

Sports I Love:
I love to watch baseball but I love to participate in running, biking, skiing and paddle boarding.

Ask my Taste Buds
Favourite Food:
Anything fresh from the company garden.

Favourite Drink:
Red Wine

In Awe of
I Admire: Mark Summers, Chairman, CNC Software

The post Ms. Meghan Summers, West President, Mastercam appeared first on MACHINE TOOLS WORLD | Machine Tools Industry Update | Machine Tools Manufacturer | CNC machine Manufacturer | Manufacturing Industry | Indian Machine Tools Magazine | Indian Machine Tools Industry | Machine Manufacturer.

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Pardeep Aggarwal先生,总经理,格里森India Pvt Ltd .)工作 //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-pardeep-aggarwal-general-manager-gleason-works-india-pvt-ltd/ //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-pardeep-aggarwal-general-manager-gleason-works-india-pvt-ltd/回应 MTW 星期二,05年4月2016 09:00:44 + 0000 里面的故事 伟德国际体育俱乐部 格里森India Pvt Ltd .)工作 Pardeep Aggarwal //www.canada-us-sage.com/?p=1803 < p >我的人生的目标目标& # 38;抱负:我相信我的生活在一个平衡的方式。我努力做得更好和积极和乐观在生活的各个方面。我想给我最好的无论我然后离开结果的命运。我喜欢分享我的想法和经验(& # 8230;)< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-pardeep-aggarwal-general-manager-gleason-works-india-pvt-ltd/ " >。总经理Pardeep Aggarwal,格里森India Pvt Ltd . < / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > < p > <跨风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”> <强> < img加载=“懒惰”类=“wp -图像- 1807 size-full alignleft“src = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/PardeepAggarwal_cc300.jpg " alt = " PardeepAggarwal_cc300宽度= " 300 "高度= " 600 " srcset = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/PardeepAggarwal_cc300.jpg 300 w, //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp content/uploads/2016/04/pardeepaggarwal_cc300 - 150 x300.jpg 150 w”大小=”(max-width: 300 px) 100年大众,300 px”/ >我的人生的目标< /强> < / span > < br / > < em > <强>的目的,抱负:< /强> < / em > < br / >我相信我生活在一个平衡的方式。我努力做得更好和积极和乐观在生活的各个方面。我想给我最好的无论我然后离开结果的命运。我喜欢分享我的想法和经验与年轻的思想和为他们的改善做出小小的贡献。< / p > < p > < em > <强>愿景:< /强> < / em > < br / >为社区服务,让他们受教育,了解卫生。支持环境,人们喜欢与大自然和睦相处在一起,所以,地球可以更好的为许多世世代代居住的地方。< / p > < p > < em > <强>社会目标:< /强> < / em > < br / >我想努力保持我们的城市清洁、无污染。清洁的环境帮助不仅让我们健康,让我们更好的思考,以一种积极的方式。< / p > < p > < em > <强>业务目标:< /强> < / em > < br / >格里森领袖提供齿轮制造业解决方案与创新几十年来以满足行业需求。 Gleason machines proving to be consistent performers for a long period backed by aftermarket support. Indian Market is moving up in the value chain in terms of quality and new manufacturing challenges. Gleason has tremendous opportunities to offer complete solutions in different market segment. Therefore, as a business goal, I would like to continue to promote solutions/support new applications where quality, accuracy and productivity is important.

My Leisure Choices
I am an avid reader and like to read books on spirituality and new developments.

Favorite holiday spot:
Hill stations like Shimla & Manali in Himachal. I like going to mountains and experience nature.

Music I like :
Anything which sounds good, especially Classic Instrumental and Bollywood music.

Sports I love :
Cricket & Lawn Tennis

Ask my Taste Buds

Favorite food:
Vegetarian Indian food cuisines – like to try food from different states

Favorite Drink:
Black Coffe

In Awe of
The honorable Prime Minister of India – Mr. Narendra Modi and his vision for a better India.

The post Mr. Pardeep Aggarwal, General Manager, Gleason Works India Pvt Ltd appeared first on MACHINE TOOLS WORLD | Machine Tools Industry Update | Machine Tools Manufacturer | CNC machine Manufacturer | Manufacturing Industry | Indian Machine Tools Magazine | Indian Machine Tools Industry | Machine Manufacturer.

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业务发展主管先生Sadananda Koppalkar——模具,EDM牧野印度Pvt Ltd //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-sadananda-koppalkar-head-business-development-edm-die-mold-makino-india-pvt-ltd/ //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-sadananda-koppalkar-head-business-development-edm-die-mold-makino-india-pvt-ltd/回应 MTW 星期二,05年4月2016 08:27:19 + 0000 里面的故事 伟德国际体育俱乐部 牧野India Pvt Ltd .) Sadananda Koppalkar //www.canada-us-sage.com/?p=1797 < p >我的人生的目标目标& # 38;抱负:我相信我的生活。无论是业务还是家庭。我无论做什么工作,我想给我最好的命运将带我在一个正确的方法。设置记住一些最好和试图实现它可能破坏[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-sadananda-koppalkar-head-business-development-edm-die-mold-makino-india-pvt-ltd/ " >。业务发展主管Sadananda Koppalkar & # 8211;EDM死& # 038;模具,牧野India Pvt Ltd . < / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > < p > <跨风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”> <强> < img加载=“懒惰”类=“alignleft wp -图像- 1801 size-full”src = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/sadanand_cc_300.jpg " alt = " sadanand_cc_300宽度= " 300 "高度= " 600 " srcset = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/sadanand_cc_300.jpg 300 w, //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp content/uploads/2016/04/sadanand_cc_300 - 150 x300.jpg 150 w”大小=”(max-width: 300 px) 100年大众,300 px”/ >我的人生的目标< /强> < / span > < br / > < em > <强>的目的,抱负:< /强> < / em > < br / >我相信我的生活。无论是业务还是家庭。我无论做什么工作,我想给我最好的命运将带我在一个正确的方法。设置记住一些最好和试图实现它可能破坏的能力。没有限制,我们唯一能做的就是把每一天当作礼物和充分执行的能力。< / p > < p > < em > <强>愿景:< /强> < / em > < br / >服务社会,人类理解自然和和平共处与较小的挫折感,焦虑和贪婪。一个平衡的生活,体现道德原则的显著差异。< / p > < p > < em > <强>社会目标:< /强> < / em > < br / >我们都是从自然和呼吸每一天。我想努力自然保护和扩大绿色封面的后代过上更健康的生活。< / p > < p > < em > <强>业务目标:< /强> < / em > < br / >牧野已死的先锋, Mold segment for last many decades. Indian Market is trying to move up on the value chain. I believe Makino has tremendous oppurtunities to work closely with customers to meet this objective. Hence as a business goal, I would like to get into critical applications where accuracy and productivity is the key. This I believe will ensure our market leadership in the years to come.

My Leisure Choices

Favourite Tourist Spot:
Kashmir and Forests of Madhya Pradesh..

Music I Like:
Anything and everything which sounds good, especially Hindustani classical vocal and Bollywood.
Sports I Love: Cricket & Table Tennis

Ask my Taste Buds
Favourite Food:
Indian food especially authentic south Indian served on banana leaf.

Favourite Drink:

In Awe of

I Admire: I love and admire the talks of OSHO.

The post Mr. Sadananda Koppalkar, Head Business Development – EDM Die & Mold, Makino India Pvt Ltd appeared first on MACHINE TOOLS WORLD | Machine Tools Industry Update | Machine Tools Manufacturer | CNC machine Manufacturer | Manufacturing Industry | Indian Machine Tools Magazine | Indian Machine Tools Industry | Machine Manufacturer.

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A.K. Sareen先生,董事总经理,CERATIZIT印度Pvt Ltd //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-k-sareen-managing-directorceratizit-india-pvt-ltd/ //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-k-sareen-managing-directorceratizit-india-pvt-ltd/回应 MTW 星期二,05年4月2016 07:57:45 + 0000 里面的故事 伟德国际体育俱乐部 A.K. Sareen CERATIZIT India Pvt Ltd .) //www.canada-us-sage.com/?p=1791 < p >我的人生的目标目标& # 38;抱负:是一个很好的人,一个有效的医学博士和一个鼓舞人心的领袖。愿景:让CERATIZIT印度的刀具最大的五家公司在印度。社会目标:积极参与企业社会责任为广大改善人们在我们的工厂。业务目标:[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-k-sareen-managing-directorceratizit-india-pvt-ltd/ " >。A.K. Sareen,董事总经理,CERATIZIT India Pvt Ltd . < / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > < p > <跨风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”> <强> < img加载=“懒惰”类=“alignleft wp -图像- 1794 size-full”src = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/AKSareen_CC_300.jpg " alt = " AKSareen_CC_300宽度= " 300 "高度= " 600 " srcset = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/AKSareen_CC_300.jpg 300 w, //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp content/uploads/2016/04/aksareen_cc_300 - 150 x300.jpg 150 w”大小=”(max-width: 300 px) 100年大众,300 px”/ >我的人生的目标< /强> < / span > < / p > < p > < em > <强>的目的,抱负:< /强> < / em > < br / >是一个不错的人,一个有效的医学博士和一个鼓舞人心的领袖。< / p > < p > < em > <强>愿景:< /强> < / em > < br / >让CERATIZIT印度的刀具最大的五家公司在印度。< / p > < p > < em > <强>社会目标:< /强> < / em > < br / >积极参与企业社会责任为广大改善人们在我们的工厂。< / p > < p > < em > <强>业务目标:< /强> < / em > < br / >是一个重要的和盈利的公司在刀具领域< / p > < p > <跨风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”< / > < >强我的休闲选择强> < / span > < / p > < p > < em > <强>最喜爱的旅游景点:< /强> < / em > < br / >喜欢旅游到不同的目的地。喜欢山,风景如画的国家。< / p > < p > < em > <强>音乐我喜欢:< /强> < / em > < br / >我喜欢古典音乐,大多是Gazals。我最喜欢的艺术家是Jagjit辛格。< / p > < p > < em > <强>体育我爱:< /强> < / em > < br / >喜欢打高尔夫球和观看板球。< / p > < p > < span风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”>Ask my Taste Buds

Favourite Food:
Home cooked non vegetarian food.

Favourite Drink:
Single malts and Rum & Coke.

In Awe of
I Admire: Jack Welch and Tiger Woods

The post Mr. A.K. Sareen, Managing Director,CERATIZIT India Pvt Ltd appeared first on MACHINE TOOLS WORLD | Machine Tools Industry Update | Machine Tools Manufacturer | CNC machine Manufacturer | Manufacturing Industry | Indian Machine Tools Magazine | Indian Machine Tools Industry | Machine Manufacturer.

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Arjun普拉卡什先生,董事,Effica自动化有限公司 //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-arjun-prakash-director-effica-automation-ltd/ //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-arjun-prakash-director-effica-automation-ltd/回应 MTW 星期二,05年4月2016 07:25:24 + 0000 里面的故事 伟德国际体育俱乐部 Arjun普拉卡什 Effica自动化有限公司 //www.canada-us-sage.com/?p=1786 < p >我的人生的目标目标& # 38;野心:90年代和2000年代是办公自动化的时代已在许多方面使我们生产和繁荣。2020年代将自动化和机器人技术中扮演着重要的角色在贫穷国家的工厂和家庭。我们的目标是成为一个大的一部分。愿景:[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-arjun-prakash-director-effica-automation-ltd/ " >。Arjun普拉卡什、导演、Effica自动化有限公司< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > < p > <强> < span风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”> < img加载= "懒惰" class = " wp -图像- 1789 size-full alignleft“src = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Arjun_Prakash_300.jpg " alt = " Arjun_Prakash_300宽度= " 300 "高度= " 600 " srcset = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Arjun_Prakash_300.jpg 300 w, //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp content/uploads/2016/04/arjun_prakash_300 - 150 x300.jpg 150 w”大小=”(max-width: 300 px) 100年大众,300 px”/ >我的人生的目标< / span > < /强> < br / > < em > <强>的目的,抱负:< /强> < / em > < br / > 90年代和2000年代的时代办公自动化已在许多方面使我们生产和繁荣。2020年代将自动化和机器人技术中扮演着重要的角色在贫穷国家的工厂和家庭。我们的目标是成为一个大的一部分。< / p > < p > < em > <强>愿景:< /强> < / em > < br / >我一直相信效率与平等是任何国家的繁荣的关键。平等是政治家和个人的手中。生产力的工程师和我们一样。印度繁荣与生产力是我们的愿景。< / p > < p > < em > <强>社会目标:< /强> < / em > < br / >我一直相信,教育是提升的唯一解的人民和国家。 Why give a man a fish. when you can teach him how to fish. Inspired by the German model of deep integration between the Industry and educational Institutes, I devote time towards such initiatives.

Business Goal:
To make our robotic solutions affordable, easy to implement, use and maintain by any small organisation or individual. This will make robotics a scalable business and enable us to sell in thousands in the future.


My Leisure Choices
Favourite Tourist Spot:
Rome. The greatness of what they built and achieved almost 2000 years ago is surreal.

Favourite Leisure Activity:
Spending time in the jungles of Mudumalai and Bandipur with nature and wildlife. I read a lot on very diverse non-fiction subjects.

Music I Like:
Western and very diverse from modern hip-hop and reggae to instrumental classics.

Sports I Love:
I love watching motorsport especially Formula 1 Racing.

Ask my Taste Buds

Favourite Food:
Continental and Mediterranean.

Favourite Drink:
Long Island Ice Tea.

In Awe of

I Admire and Follow: Elon Musk the founder of Tesla and SpaceX. The man actually believes that humanity is destined to be a multi planetary species & that his job is to enable it! Now that’s what you call a visionary!

The post Mr. Arjun Prakash, Director, Effica Automation Ltd appeared first on MACHINE TOOLS WORLD | Machine Tools Industry Update | Machine Tools Manufacturer | CNC machine Manufacturer | Manufacturing Industry | Indian Machine Tools Magazine | Indian Machine Tools Industry | Machine Manufacturer.

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主席先生Parakram Jadeja &董事总经理Jyoti数控自动化有限公司 //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-parakram-jadeja-chairman-managing-director-jyoti-cnc-automation-ltd/ //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-parakram-jadeja-chairman-managing-director-jyoti-cnc-automation-ltd/回应 MTW 星期二,05年4月2016 07:09:32 + 0000 里面的故事 伟德国际体育俱乐部 Jyoti数控自动化有限公司 Parakram Jadeja //www.canada-us-sage.com/?p=1778 < p >我的人生的目标目标& # 38;抱负:我真的相信唯一不变的就是“变化”,所以住在现在是我一生的座右铭。我想我的生命的每一分钟计数为人类,我的公司,我的家人和我自己。愿景:为我的国家贡献一贯的[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-parakram-jadeja-chairman-managing-director-jyoti-cnc-automation-ltd/ " >。董事长Parakram Jadeja & # 038;董事总经理Jyoti数控自动化有限公司< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > < p > <跨风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”> <强> < img加载=“懒惰”类=“wp -图像- 1784 size-full alignleft“src = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/jadeja_cc_300.jpg " alt = " jadeja_cc_300宽度= " 300 "高度= " 437 " srcset = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/jadeja_cc_300.jpg 300 w, //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp content/uploads/2016/04/jadeja_cc_300 - 206 x300.jpg 206 w”大小=”(max-width: 300 px) 100年大众,300 px”/ >我的人生的目标< /强> < / span > < / p > < p > < em > <强>的目的,抱负:< /强> < / em > < br / >我真的相信唯一不变的就是“变化”,所以住在现在是我一生的座右铭。我想我的生命的每一分钟计数为人类,我的公司,我的家人和我自己。< / p > < p > < em > <强>愿景:< /强> < / em > < br / >贡献一直对我的国家的一个发达国家之旅。< / p > < p > < em > <强>社会目标:< /强> < / em > < br / >使人们摆脱贫困。鼓励年轻一代在体育和为他们创造就业机会来满足我的视力。< / p > < p > < em > <强>业务目标:< /强> < / em > < br / >在印度20%的市场份额,成为世界十大机床制造商,2020年。我也打算看到JYOTI全球最受人尊敬和钦佩的品牌之一。也对经济增长贡献的国家通过机床技术的进步,这将实现我的目的为人类提供舒适的生活。< / p > < p > <强> < span风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”>我的休闲选择< / span > < /强> < br / > < em > <强>最喜爱的旅游景点:< /强> < / em > < br / >我爱Nainital的美丽的风景,西姆拉,Gulmarg希尔站位于喜马拉雅山脉的山麓< br / >印度和迷人的美丽的城市在瑞士卢塞恩。< / p > < p > < em > <强>最喜欢的休闲活动:< /强> < / em > < br / >动态, Mystic Rose Meditation, Listening OSHO lectures. I believe; “Meditation is being in tune with our inner energy source”

Music I Like:
The music that turns me on is local traditional folk (Gujarati Garba) and Indian classical music.

Sports I Love:
I am a driving enthusiast and loves to drive a lot. I also like playing Chess in my leisure hours.

Ask my Taste Buds
Favourite Food:
Infact, I am open to explore anything and everything, but the condition is that it has to be vegetarian and for me nothing can be as tasty as homemade Gujarati dishes cooked by my mother.

Favourite Drink:
Fresh Lime Soda, Buttermilk

In Awe of
I Admire & Follow: The philosophy of “OSHO”

The post Mr. Parakram Jadeja, Chairman & Managing Director, Jyoti CNC Automation Ltd appeared first on MACHINE TOOLS WORLD | Machine Tools Industry Update | Machine Tools Manufacturer | CNC machine Manufacturer | Manufacturing Industry | Indian Machine Tools Magazine | Indian Machine Tools Industry | Machine Manufacturer.

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科林先生R价格,主管——销售&市场营销(印度),英国计量系统有限公司 //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-colin-r-price-director-sales-marketing-indiarenishaw-metrology-systems-ltd/ //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-colin-r-price-director-sales-marketing-indiarenishaw-metrology-systems-ltd/回应 MTW 星期二,05年4月2016 06:39:45 + 0000 里面的故事 伟德国际体育俱乐部 科林·R价格 英国计量系统有限公司 //www.canada-us-sage.com/?p=1765 < p >我的人生的目标目标& # 38;抱负:我的精神生活是驱动和动力,成功的在我的职业生涯,但在整个旅程保持冷静的头脑。对待别人,我想对待自己,忠于我的道德和相信。虽然它很好[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-colin-r-price-director-sales-marketing-indiarenishaw-metrology-systems-ltd/ " >。主任科林·R价格& # 8211;销售& # 038;营销(印度),英国计量系统有限公司< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > < p > < img加载=“懒惰”类=“wp -图像- 1768 size-full alignleft“src = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Colin_CC_300.jpg " alt = " Colin_CC_300宽度= " 300 "高度= " 534 " srcset = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Colin_CC_300.jpg 300 w, //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp content/uploads/2016/04/colin_cc_300 - 169 x300.jpg 169 w”大小=”(max-width: 300 px) 100年大众,300 px”/ > < span风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”> <强>我的人生的目标< /强> < / span > < / p > < p > < em > <强>的目的,抱负:< /强> < / em > < br / >我的精神生活是驱动和动力,成功的在我的职业生涯,但在整个旅程保持冷静的头脑。对待别人,我想对待自己,忠于我的道德和相信。同时很高兴很重要我是同样重要的是好的。我的野心是我的事业和生活中潜在的不妥协的个人/家庭或职业平衡。< / p > < p > < em > <强>愿景:< /强> < / em > < br / >做最好的自己,心里总是有我的公司的利益和影响他人来采取相应的良好的领导和指导。社会目标:回馈当地社区和网络与其他企业产生积极的影响。业务目标:给我100%和努力工作,使不同。带来积极的变化通过结构和经验和指导他人。留下良好的印象,并提供尽可能最重要的是不要避免手头的工作的挑战和困难方面,外部或内部。


My Leisure Choices

Favourite Tourist Spot:
Caribbean Islands & Thailand. I love the crystal clear waters and music vibe of the Caribbean and the natural beauty and friendly people in Thailand.

Music I Like:
I like all types of music genre, from Soul R&B,Motown, Reggae to Johnny Cash. It depends on my mood and situation.

Sports I Love:
Rugby Union, Boxing and Scuba Diving. I am a national diving instructor and have been fortunate to dive a good number of the dive sites around the World and this in itself opens up a brand new World in itself.

Ask my Taste Buds

Favourite Food:
Thai, Caribbean and Italian. And I have to mention my wife’s home-made cooking. Not that it tastes nice but I have to mention it!

In Awe of

I Admire: Lots of individuals but people who fight and stand by their beliefs in order to encourage change for the right causes and reasons. The Nelson Mandela’s and Martin Luther Kings’ of this World and on a sporting level Richie McCaw of the New Zealand rugby team who leads by example and commits 100% each time and every time – truly inspirational player to watch & learn from.

The post Mr. Colin R Price, Director – Sales & Marketing (India),Renishaw Metrology Systems Ltd. appeared first on MACHINE TOOLS WORLD | Machine Tools Industry Update | Machine Tools Manufacturer | CNC machine Manufacturer | Manufacturing Industry | Indian Machine Tools Magazine | Indian Machine Tools Industry | Machine Manufacturer.

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特伦斯·米兰达先生,董事总经理,哈斯工厂出口 //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-terrence-miranda/ //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-terrence-miranda/回应 MTW 星期二,05年4月2016 06:17:35 + 0000 里面的故事 伟德国际体育俱乐部 哈斯自动化 哈斯工厂直销 特伦斯·米兰达先生 菲利普斯机床印度Pvt Ltd //www.canada-us-sage.com/?p=1761 < p >我的人生的目标目标& # 38;抱负:强烈的信念,真诚、正直和努力工作是成功的基石,意识到在这个世界上没有什么是永恒的,我想让我的家人我生命中的每一分钟数,我的公司,我和人类。追求完美,[& # 8230;]< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-terrence-miranda/ " >。泰伦斯·米兰达,董事总经理,哈斯工厂直销< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > < p > < img加载=“懒惰”类=“wp -图像- 1763 size-full alignleft“src = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Terrence_Miranda_CC_300.jpg " alt = " Terrence_Miranda_CC_300宽度= " 300 "高度= " 441 " srcset = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Terrence_Miranda_CC_300.jpg 300 w, //www.canada-us-sage.com/wp content/uploads/2016/04/terrence_miranda_cc_300 - 204 x300.jpg 204 w”大小=”(max-width: 300 px) 100年大众,300 px”/ > < / p > < p > <跨风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”> <强>我的人生的目标< /强> < / span > < / p > < p > < em > <强>的目的,抱负:< /强> < / em > < br / >强相信真诚,正直和努力是成功的基石,意识到在这个世界上没有什么是永恒的,我想让我的家人我生命中的每一分钟数,我的公司,我和人类。追求完美,自我批评和卑微的知识,我能做的一切的人可以做得更好,更快,我总是需要精益求精。< / p > < p > < em > <强>愿景:< /强> < / em > < br / >来激发我的思想,语言和行为,一个团队的人我相信同样的愿景:创建一个公司,不仅仅是非凡的盈利能力或操作效率但真正站在客户和竞争对手的眼睛都为我们的坚定承诺和诚信总是做正确的事从而创造品牌的光环,将生活永恒的< / p > < p > < em > <强>社会目标:< /强> < / em > < br / >不知疲倦地工作,确保哈斯口号“让技术负担得起”让哈斯数控加工< br / >技术在印度最小的机器商店革新我们的制造能力,改变着我们的社会生活的许多部分,真正住“在印度”的梦想。< / p > < p > < em > <强>业务目标:< /强> < / em > < br / >创建一个高频振荡器(哈斯工厂店)印度团队由一个excel的承诺,创新,不断提高在任何时候对完美的追求总是从而控制的机床市场印度和明确建立哈斯作为市场领导者< / p > < p > <跨风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”< / > < >强我的休闲选择强> < / span > < / p > < p > < em > <强>最喜欢的旅游景点:< /强> < br / > < / em >果阿和乌特迪尔< / p > < p > < em > <强>音乐我喜欢:< /强> < br / > < / em >不同类型取决于我的心情:宝莱坞,蓝调,披头士,乡村音乐和西部< / p > < p > < em > <强>体育我爱:< /强> < / em > < br / >足球和板球< / p > < p > <跨风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”> <强>问我的味蕾< /强> < / span > < / p > < p > < em > <强>最喜欢的食物:< /强> < / em > < br / >印度所有类型的食品特别是沿海Konkan < / p > < p > < em > <强>最喜欢的饮料:< /强> < / em > < br / >杰克丹尼尔在岩石上< / p > < p > <跨风格=“字体大小:18 pt;”> <强>对< /强> < / span > < / p > < p > < em > <强>我欣赏< /强> < / em >:约翰·罗斯,美国哈斯自动化公司生产副总裁< / p > < p >, < / p > < p >, < / p > < p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-terrence-miranda/ " >。泰伦斯·米兰达,董事总经理,哈斯工厂直销< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.canada-us-sage.com " >机床|世界机床行业更新| |机床制造商印度机床数控机床制造业厂家| | |杂志印度机床工业|机械制造商< / >。< / p > //www.canada-us-sage.com/mr-terrence-miranda/feed/ 0